What's New in July 2019... |
I have been to two lovely weddings in two weeks. One was my niece, Jade's, and the other was Matron & Captain Robert's son, Daniel. At the latter, we "glamped" in a vintage bell tent. I had a terrible night's sleep and it didn't help sharing a double sleeping bag with Rosalie the Demon Wriggler! Both days were absolutely fantastic and I had a wonderful time. Talking of which, I decided to take Poppy to her first ballet lesson and was delighted that one of Rosalie's dresses fitted her, albeit in need of adjustment. We were a bit early, and you can see from the picture below, she was keen to get started. Unfortunately, the ballet school has changed venues! That will teach me to research things in future. I've signed her up for September classes...
Another exciting thing that has happened to me this month, is that I am coming to the end of a 30 year old mystery about a driving licence I found concealed in a cupboard, in a house I used to live in. I think it is going to make a great story and I am mulling over several story lines... I am applying to literary agents to see if they will take my next book, The Grumpy Gnome Goes on Holiday. It's just a waiting game, but I'm feeling optimistic. A few days ago, I got home and picked up the post on the mat. Usually, I only receive boring stuff but two letters stuck out. They were thank you cards from my bank manager's children, who I had sent a copy of my book. On the covering letter, I explained that their daddy had helped me open up a business account and he had told me all about them. I said that they reminded me of the children out of Mary Poppins when they were in the bank, but I am sure they would never be so naughty! What a lovely surprise.
I have been invited to sell my books at the Berkshire, Buckingham and Oxfordshire Wildlife Trust College Lake Visitor Centre. Thrilled about that! |