Bucks Goat Centre |
https://www.thebucksgoatcentre.website/ |
Feeding the hungry goats! | ||
Lunch in the centre cafe. | Goat food. |
Handsome billy goat. | Looks like he's had a perm! | Give me your goat food. | Seriously, four stomachs? |
Snowy billy goat. | That's what I call horns! | Any left for me? | Look at me! |
Three billy goats gruff. | Three day old kids. |
Koi carp and goldfish pond. | Any food? |
Alpaca pen. | Where's your food? | Oh, please! |
All creatures are important, even little ones. | Bee hotel. | Butterfly tree house. |
Cheeky Indian Runner. | Jemima Muddleduck! | Pair of Silkies. | Bad hair day! | Chuckie. |
Oink oink! |
Marko-the-Wisp's field 2019. | Marko-the-Wisp 1st March 1963 - 16th April 2012 |
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