Bucks Goat Centre
6th April 2019


Feeding the hungry goats!
Lunch in the centre cafe.   Goat food.
Handsome billy goat. Looks like he's had a perm! Give me your goat food. Seriously, four stomachs?
Snowy billy goat. That's what I call horns! Any left for me? Look at me!
Three billy goats gruff. Three day old kids.
Koi carp and goldfish pond. Any food?
Alpaca pen. Where's your food? Oh, please!

All creatures are important, even little ones. Bee hotel. Butterfly tree house.
Cheeky Indian Runner. Jemima Muddleduck! Pair of Silkies. Bad hair day! Chuckie.
Oink oink!
Marko-the-Wisp's field 2019. Marko-the-Wisp
1st March 1963 - 16th April 2012
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